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来源:出国留学生活 时间:2023-05-21 作者:出国留学就业 浏览量:



1. 介绍自己:My name is [姓名],I'm from [国家/城市]。

2. 介绍家乡:My hometown is [城市],it's located in [国家/地区]。

3. 介绍工作/学习:I'm currently working/studying as [职业/专业]。

4. 介绍爱好:In my free time, I enjoy [爱好]。

5. 描述物品:It's a [物品],it's [颜色、形状、大小、用途]。

6. 描述地点:The [地点] is [特征],it's [美丽/热闹/安静]。

7. 描述人物:He/She is [人物特征],he/she has [外貌特征]。

8. 描述事件:The [事件] happened [时间],it was [积极/消极]。

9. 表达喜欢/不喜欢:I like/dislike [事物] because [原因]。

10. 表达建议:I think [建议],because [原因]。

11. 表达喜怒哀乐:I'm [心情] because [原因]。

12. 描述过去经历:In the past, I [经历],it was [积极/消极]。

13. 描述未来计划:In the future, I plan to [计划],because [原因]。

14. 描述家庭:My family consists of [家庭成员],we [家庭特点]。

15. 描述食物:It's a [食物],it tastes [味道],it's made of [原料]。

16. 描述假期:During my vacation, I [活动],it was [积极/消极]。

17. 表达感谢:I'm grateful/thankful for [事物],because [原因]。

18. 表达道歉:I'm sorry for [事情],I didn't mean to [原因]。

19. 表达赞同:I agree with [观点],because [原因]。

20. 表达不同意:I disagree with [观点],because [原因]。

21. 表达支持:I support [事物],because [原因]。

22. 表达反对:I oppose [事物],because [原因]。

23. 表达优点:One of the advantages of [事物] is [优点]。

24. 表达缺点:One of the disadvantages of [事物] is [缺点]。

25. 表达影响:[事物] has a positive/negative impact On [人/环境]。

26. 描述衣服:I'm wearing a [衣服],it's [颜色/款式/材质]。

27. 描述交通工具:I usually take [交通工具] to [地点],it's [方便/不方便]。

28. 描述天气:Today's weather is [天气],it's [炎热/寒冷/潮湿]。

29. 描述音乐:I like [音乐类型],because it makes me feel [感受]。

30. 描述电影:I watched [电影],it's [类型],it's [有趣/感人/刺激]。

31. 描述书籍:I read [书籍],it's [类型],it's [有趣/启发/引人入胜]。


Formula1: Do you prefer X to Y?

Formula 2: What do you usually/normally do?

Formula 3: What do you like to do (in your spare time)

Formula 4: What do you dislike about X?

Formula 5: How often do you do X?

Formula 6: What do you like most about X?

Formula 7: Is X popular (in your country)?

Formula 8: What is the best time (of year) to do X?

Formula 9: Why do some people like X?

Formula 10: When was the first/last time you did X?

Formula 11: Did you ever learn to do X?

Formula 12: How has X changed ?

Formula 13: How would you improve X?

Formula 14: How important is X?

Formula 15: What do you want/hope to do (in the future)?

Formula 16: Do people do/get enogh X?

Formula 17: How can people find out about X?

Formula 18: Should people be given X?

Formula 19: Is it difficult to do X?

Formula 20: Is X suitable for (types of people)?

Formula 21: Person Monologue

Formula 22: Place Monologue

Formula 23: object Monologue

Formula24: Past Event Monologue

Formula 25: Giving and Supporting Opinions

Formula 26: Evaluating Two Different Opinions

Formula 27: Agreeing and Disagreeing

Formula 28: Talking About Advantages and Disadvantages

Formula 29: Expressing Importance and Priority

Formula 30: Proposing Solutions to Problems

Formula 31: Speculating About Future Events and Outcomes


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